Facebook’s New Ad Tool: Lead Ads For Local Businesses

Advertising on social media has become fairly commonplace. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest offer multiple advertising options that allow business owners to boost their pages, drive traffic to their websites, and feature specified posts to increase their social media following. Social media advertising is easy and affordable.


Tips On Marketing Your Business On Instagram

If you’re tempted to dismiss Instagram as a marketing tool because it got its start as an app for sharing mobile photos, don’t. The truth is that Instagram marketing is on the rise, and the companies who use it reap significant benefits from their efforts there.


How To Leverage Twitter For Your Local Businesses

Social media is one of the best ways to promote your local business. The likes of Twitter has been the backbone of many service and product providers, but only those who have used their account strategically. Simply opening a Twitter account and tweeting isn’t going to get you the results you’re looking for. So let’s see how leveraging your Twitter account can boost your local business conversion.


How Social Media Impacts Your Search Rankings

Having good search rankings is just as important is getting a line of customers into your business. If you aren’t familiar with how social media can impact your search rankings, read on.


Why Your Company Needs Social Media

As a business, you cannot afford to scrimp when it comes to investing in your professional, social media presence. After all, you are getting the opportunity to put your best foot forward online so why not make the most of it? A well designed and maintained social media platform can act as a sort of resume for your business, highlighting what you stand for and why the customer wants to do business with you, rather than your competition.


How To Get Leads From Social Media Like The Pros

Are you making the most of your social media pages? Sites like Facebook and Twitter are a wonderful way to interact with current customers, but if you handle them properly, they can also be a great source of new leads. A lot of local businesses don’t do a good job of using social media to generate leads because they’re not sure how to go about it. With that in mind, let’s talk about some of the ways you can use social media to get qualified leads for your company.
