Your Social Media Posting "Knight In Shining Armor"
(925) 255-5195
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About Us

Keeping a consistent presence on Social Media has become a necessary part of any business’ marketing.

With the myriad of companies trying to grab your attention, the only ones that successfully cut through the noise are those that stay on point with their messaging and stay top of mind by pushing that message continuously.

At Social Camelot, we’re a group of online marketers who understands this need and also understand the time it takes to implement such a plan. Creating daily original content can be both time-consuming and expensive. Further, it can suck the joy out of your life as you sit in front of your computer creating content instead of getting out and enjoying family and friends.

That’s why we created Social Camelot…your knight in shining armor for social media content creation and automated postings.

Our team creates the content for you!

All you have to do is review and tweak the ads as you see fit and after you’re satisfied, all you have to do is determine when you want them published and to which platforms. Simple.

Our goal is to enable you stay in front of your prospects and customers without breaking the bank and to give you your life back. No more tedious hours thinking up content ideas and having to write and design the ads. No more having to log into each Social Media platform for each ad to post them every day. We do all the heavy lifting, and our technology makes it push-button simple for you to schedule when each ad goes out over the course of the month. Set it and forget it!

So what used to take you days and weeks now takes a couple of hours and your good to go for the whole month!

We may not ride up on a white horse, but our suit of armor absolutely glistens!

Take Social Camelot out for a test drive and see for yourself. Join the hundreds of businesses and agencies that use Social Camelot for their businesses and get your time and your life back.

The Social Camelot Team

Looking To Get The Word Out?

We do social media so you don’t have to! Our professional social media team is standing by.

Your Social Media Posting "Knight In Shining Armor"
Deal Quiver, LLC
3527 Mt. Diablo Blvd, #395
Lafayette, CA 94549
Copyright © 2020 – 2024 Social Camelot. All Rights Reserved
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